Poland street map
Map of Poland street. Poland street map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to print. Poland street map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to download. Although some countries disappointingly have names like ‘Main Street’ as their most numerous, that’s certainly not the case with Poland. And to find out which streets were most popular, Culture. The street names mentioned in the map of Poland street may indeed be the same, but the numbers that describe them are not. One source says that there are 3,163 Forest Streets in Poland as its shown in Poland street map, another that there is 2,999 of them, and so on. Another way street name statistics can give us a bit of insight about Poland is when we look at the famous surnames chosen to appear in them most often: Adam Mickiewicz – 1,102 streets, Tadeusz Kościuszko – 1,064 streets, Henryk Sienkiewicz – 861 streets, Juliusz Słowacki – 817 streets, Maria Konopnicka – 769 streets.
In Polish, the word ulica means ‘street’ and is almost always shortened to simply ul. as its mentioned in Poland street map: ul. Leśna / Forest Street – 3,282, ul. Polna / Field Street – 3,258, ul. Słoneczna / Sunny Street – 2,750, ul. Krótka / Short Street – 2,450, ul. Ogrodowa / Garden Street – 2,303. Forest Street has overtaken the hitherto leader Field Street. Also, Garden Street has somehow made a crawl up the ladder and is now in the top five. But most importantly it becomes apparent that all the top names in Poland are... rather pleasant and unpretentious. Instead of being a list of ‘Grand Streets’ and ‘Very Important Avenues’ the streets of Poland evokes things like nature, plant life and sunshine.